Drs. Taufiqqurrachman, M.Si

Drs. Taufiqqurrachman, M.SiBlog

Peran Ekonomi Online Social Crowd Funding Platform Saat Pandemi COVID-19

Taufiqqurrachman Sep 06, 2021 11:20 477
Peran Ekonomi Online Social Crowd Funding Platform Saat  Pandemi COVID-19

Virus corona atau corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) telah membuat perekonomian global berkontraksi, termasuk perekonomian dalam negeri Indonesia. Ekonomi global dipastikan melambat, menyusul penetapan dari WHO yang menyebutkan wabah Corona sebagai pandemi. Singapura dan Korea Selatan bahkan sedang mengalami resesi ekonomi diakibatkan karena pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam negeri mereka yang terus menurun akibat pandemi yang berkepanjangan. Di Indonesia, pemerintah mencoba melakukan berbagai upaya untuk menekan dampak virus Corona terhadap industri, UMKM dan masyarakat dengan cara melakukan social distancing, work from home (WFH) dan bantuan sosial baik dari pemerintah maupun masyarakat melalui Online Social Crowdfunding Platform yang dapat membantu masyarakat kecil dan menengah mempertahankan tingkat konsumsi dan aktivitas usahanya dalam upaya bertahan di tengah tekanan pandemik saat ini.

Kata Kunci: Pandemi Covid-19; Online Social Crowdfunding Platform; Konsumsi Masyarakat

In English :

The corona virus or corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) has made the global economy contract, including Indonesia's domestic economy. The global economy is certain to slow down, a determination from the WHO which mentions the Corona outbreak as a pandemic. Singapore and South Korea are even experiencing an economic recession as a result of their domestic economic growth which has continued to decline due to the prolonged pandemic. In Indonesia, the government is trying to make various efforts to reduce the impact of the Corona virus on industry, MSMEs and society by conducting social distancing, work from home (WFH) and social assistance from both the government and the community through the Social Crowdfunding Platform that can help small and medium-sized communities maintaining the level of consumption and business activities in an effort to survive amid the current pandemic pressure.

Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic; Online Social Crowdfunding Platform; Public Consumption
